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How To Take Care Of Your Wooden Watch?

Love the look of a wooden watch but worried about keeping it in tip-top shape? We’ve got you covered! Caring for your natural wood watch is easier than you think. This quick guide will show you the best ways to keep it looking amazing for years to come. Whether you’re a new wooden watch owner or just considering getting one, you’ll be a pro in no time.

Don’t Get Your Wooden Watch Wet

You know how water and wood don’t mix? That’s true for your wooden watch too! Since it’s made from natural, untreated wood, it’s not waterproof and needs a little extra love compared to your regular watch. Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal!

You can still wash your hands, deal with a few raindrops, or even sweat it out in the summer – your watch can handle that. Just keep it out of the bath, shower, and swimming pool – those are a bit too wet for wood. It’s pretty simple really – just treat it with a little care and your beautiful wooden watch will stay looking great for years to come.

Clean Your Watch Band Often

Dust, dirt, and grime can build up on your wooden watch band, so it’s important to give it a little cleaning regularly. Just use a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt, and then dry it right away with a soft cloth. Don’t use harsh chemicals or anything that could scratch the wood – just a little gentle cleaning will keep your watch band looking sharp.

Wipe Down Your Wooden Watch with a Clean Cloth

As we just mentioned, forget about harsh cleaning products – your wooden watch deserves a gentler touch! A little bit of olive oil and lemon juice on a paper towel is all you need to keep it looking its best. Gently rub the towel over the wood (both the face and strap), then use a clean cloth to wipe away any leftover oil. You can also try beeswax, lip balm, or even a dab of hand moisturizer! These natural products give your watch a little extra protection from daily wear and tear and keep the wood looking beautiful.

Don’t Leave Your Wooden Watch in the Sun or Freeze

Protecting your wooden watch is important, especially in hot summers and cold winters. Wood reacts to extreme temperatures by expanding in the heat and shrinking in the cold, this can cause cracking and drying, which can damage your watch. Always keep your watch away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Don’t leave it on a car dashboard in the summer or in the glove box during a cold winter. These places can get extremely hot or cold, which is harmful to the wood. Storing your wooden watch in a safe, comfortable place – like a drawer or a watch box – will help it stay beautiful and last longer.

3 Extra tips for protecting your wooden watch from temperature extremes:

  • Don’t expose it to direct sunlight for extended periods: Just like you wouldn’t leave yourself out in the sun all day, the same goes for your watch.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes: Moving your watch from a hot car to a cold room, or vice versa, can also cause stress on the wood.
  • Consider a watch box: A good watch box can provide a stable and protected environment for your wooden watch.

Protect Your Watch

You love your wooden watch and wear it all the time – we get it! But when you do take it off, remember to treat it with care. Wood can easily scratch or chip if it rubs against metal or other hard surfaces. So, instead of throwing it on the coffee table or tossing it in your suitcase, keep it safe in a box!

A box it’s the perfect place to keep your watch protected when you’re not wearing it. Make it a habit to put your watch in its box every night, and it’ll stay scratch-free and beautiful for a long time.

Watch Your Battery Life

If you’ve got a quartz wooden watch, it’s powered by a battery that needs a little love every now and then. Keep an eye on its power level and replace the battery when it starts to run low. You can also choose a wooden watch with mechanical movement, which doesn’t need a battery at all.

Still Thinking About Getting a Wooden Watch for Summer? 

GOWOOD offers stunning wooden watches crafted from black sandalwood or zebra wood, featuring real cork bands for a natural and comfortable feel. We equip our watches with high-quality, Swiss-made movements for incredible accuracy and a long-lasting battery.

Plus, by choosing a GOWOOD watch, you’re reducing your plastic footprint and making a conscious choice for a more sustainable lifestyle. 
Explore our collection today and find the perfect wooden watch to keep looking great for years to come! Here