Header image of GOWOOD's blog, highlighting the wooden sunglasses vs plastic sunglasses

Why You Should Choose to Wear Wooden Sunglasses

Let’s talk about wooden sunglasses for a moment. You might be surprised, but choosing these natural shades over plastic can make a real difference in your life and the world around you.

I know, it might sound a bit out there! “How can sunglasses make such a difference?” you might be thinking. But when we compare every step of the process, from making them to their end-of-life, you’ll see that choosing wood isn’t just a fashion statement – it’s a choice for a better future.

“The choices we make as consumers can have a big impact on our well-being and the health of our planet. It’s up to each of us to think about the choices we make and try to minimize the negative effects we have on the environment.”

Wood vs. Plastic

Let’s get down to the basics! Where do these sunglasses come from?

Plastic is made from a mix of natural ingredients like cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt, and crude oil, the process of combining these ingredients in polymerization releases harmful greenhouse gases and contributes to pollution. This process also requires a lot of energy, often derived from burning more oil.

Wood, on the other hand, is a natural, renewable resource found all over the world. Growing trees actually helps clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. We can source wood locally, reducing the need for long-distance shipping. Plus, responsible forestry practices ensure that new trees are planted to replace those harvested.

That’s why we at GOWOOD choose to use wood for our sunglasses. It’s a sustainable choice that benefits both our planet and the people who make our products. We’re proud to source our wood from responsibly managed forests and, as a responsible business, we believe in replenishing what we use. That’s why we’ve partnered with Tree Canada, Canada’s largest organization for tree replanting programs. 

With over 80 million trees planted so far, Tree Canada is making a real difference in both urban and rural areas. With every purchase of GOWOOD sunglasses, we contribute to planting more trees, ensuring a greener future for all.

A Look at the Manufacturing Process

The way we make our sunglasses is just as important as the materials we use. Let’s compare how we transform wood and plastic into those stylish wooden sunglasses you wear:


Manufacturers need to process the oil used to make plastic with chemicals, creating harmful waste that ends up polluting our environment. Even after manufacturers make plastic, shaping it into sunglasses creates microplastics—tiny pieces of plastic that find their way into our oceans and rivers.

“Microplastics are even being found in our drinking water!”

This pollution harms marine life and can eventually work its way back into our food supply.


Working with wood is a much simpler and cleaner process. We use natural methods to shape and finish the wood, and we craft all GOWOOD wooden sunglasses with quality in mind. The frames are strong, comfortable, and designed to fit perfectly. The legs fold neatly for easy storage, and the sturdy steel hinges are flexible enough to fit a range of face shapes.

What Happens When Your Sunglasses Say Goodbye?

Manufacturers make most plastic sunglasses from sheets of plastic, and a whopping 80% of that plastic ends up as waste. Plastic Oceans estimates that we dump 300 million tons of plastic waste every year, with a staggering 8 million tons finding their way into our oceans. Even if you recycle some of this plastic, it eventually ends up in landfills or polluting our environment.

Wooden sunglasses are made from a natural material that biodegrades! When your GOWOOD wooden sunglasses reach the end of their life, you can easily recycle the lenses and simply throw the wooden frames into your compost bin! Even the tiny metal screws and hinges will decompose over time.

Choosing sustainable options like wooden sunglasses means reducing the amount of plastic waste we produce. It might seem like a small step, but imagine if everyone made this choice! 

Final Thoughts,

To sum up… We all want to make a positive impact on the world, and that starts with the choices we make every day. Choosing wooden sunglasses is a simple yet powerful way to reduce our reliance on plastic and support sustainable practices. We craft these sunglasses from wood sourced responsibly from sustainable forests, helping to prevent deforestation and reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our oceans and landfills.

Every purchase helps plant new trees and supports organizations dedicated to environmental restoration, making a tangible difference in our planet’s health. 

Will you choose to wear wooden?